Show Characters inside cards (UI parallax)

Here’s how to create a really simple parallax effect in Unity, in this case in the game’s UI.

  • Check if the mouse is inside the Rect, then rotate it based on its distance from the centre.
  • Setup the Character’s frame adding what you prefer;I’ve added a Mask (so the character doesn’t go outside the panel when rotating), a Text and an Image.
  • To create the “Parallax” effect while the panel rotates, move the characters’ image (or the element where you want the effect) backwards/forward. On my example the Z value of the Slime’s transform is set to -100.
  • Reset the target rotation if the mouse is outside the rect and rotate it smoothly.
    • I’m using the function AngleLerp, because if you try to use Vector3.Lerp etc, the transition doesn’t work properly and the angle messes up.


using UnityEngine;
public class ParallaxPanel : MonoBehaviour
    //Set to 0 if you want don't want it to rotate along this axis
    public float y_maxRot;
    //Set to 0 if you want don't want it to rotate along this axis
    public float x_maxRot;
    //Speed for the rotation
    public float speed;
    RectTransform rect;
    //The rect we want to rotate
    public RectTransform rectToRotate;
    private void Awake()
        rect = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
    //Our target eulerangles rotation
    Vector2 targetEulerAngles =;
    /// <summary>
    /// Check each frame where the mouse is and rotates the panel
    /// P.S. if you have multiple panels, use a list of "Panels classes" and use only one update, it's better for performance
    /// You could also look for UI methods from the EventTrigger component
    /// </summary>
    private void Update()
        //Difference between the mouse pos and the panel's position
        Vector2 diff = (Vector2)transform.position - (Vector2)Input.mousePosition;
        //If the mouse is inside the rect/panel [...]
        if (Mathf.Abs(diff.x) <= (rect.sizeDelta.x / 2f) &&
            Mathf.Abs(diff.y) <= (rect.sizeDelta.y / 2f))
            targetEulerAngles = new Vector3(
                //Rotates along the X axis, based on the Y distance from the centre
                x_maxRot * -Mathf.Clamp(diff.y / (rect.sizeDelta.y/2f), -1, 1),
                //Same thing, but along the Y axis (so, depends on the X distance)
                y_maxRot * Mathf.Clamp(diff.x / (rect.sizeDelta.x/2f), -1, 1),
                //No rotation along the Z axis
        else  //Mouse is outside the rect, target euler is zero
            targetEulerAngles =;
        //Lerps the rotation
        rectToRotate.eulerAngles = AngleLerp(rectToRotate.eulerAngles, targetEulerAngles, speed * Time.deltaTime);
    //Lerps two angles (using Mathf.LerpAngle for each axis)
    public static Vector3 AngleLerp(Vector3 StartAngle, Vector3 FinishAngle, float t)
        return new Vector3(
            Mathf.LerpAngle(StartAngle.x, FinishAngle.x, t),
            Mathf.LerpAngle(StartAngle.y, FinishAngle.y, t),
            Mathf.LerpAngle(StartAngle.z, FinishAngle.z, t)

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Almost five years ago I released a plugin called “Text Animator for Unity”, a tool I made/needed for my own games - and Today it is also getting used in other games like “Dredge, Cult of The Lamb”, “Slime Rancher 2” and many more!! I’d love if you could check it out! you’d also support us with this blog and new assets! ✨

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