Text Animator becomes a Unity Verified Solution!

Hi everyone! Great news Today: Text Animator for Unity becomes a Verified Solution!

We've been developing the asset for years now, starting with a simple prototype late 2019 and ending up becoming one of the top tools of the Asset Store, chosen by thousands of developers around the world and shipped with many successful games (like Cult of The Lamb, Dredge and much more), winning the "Best Artistic Tool" Unity Award in 2023 and now becoming a Verified Solution, just close to the asset's 5th year anniversary.

Text Animator has received countless free updates since its first release, from custom effects (also without having to code), new typewriters and integrations, to a complete rewrite from scratch mid 2023 (version 2.0, with a free major upgrade for existing users) and a website/documentation rework recently.

We still aren't done with it and we have many plans for the future, so here's a short post to keep you on track.

What changes

First things first, from now on you can take a look at our public roadmap, which makes its appearance back in our new website (read more here) and helps you keep track of the tasks we're either prioritizing, planning soon or have under consideration.


Becoming a Verified Solution means that we now also have Unity experts look at the asset and make sure it meets the highest standards for usability and quality, helping us with specific feedbacks to make sure it's a great Editor (and Runtime) experience.

We have received a review on the Store that said "it behaves like a standard Unity component", and we want to keep this feeling for years to come.

They have already provided us with the first QA Report and we're ready to improve the asset even more.

Custom License for Enterprise

Previously Text Animator was using the basic Asset Store license, which was tied to seats and it didn't scale for bigger companies (if you had 200 employees you had to pay a lot of dollars, even if only a few people in the team used the asset).

Being a Verified Solution allows us to write custom licenses based on each studio needs, while keeping it affordable for everyone (especially small teams).

As we always did: transparent pricing, no retroactive changes (ever) or weird paywalls. If you're a small team things will stay the same, and if you're a bigger studio you will be able to pay what you prefer the most, by simply contacting us.


We have updated the asset for many years and we will continue to do so! You can count on it being supported long-term, as we're already doing in our Discord (replying to everyone as soon as possible) and via email.

In conclusion

That's... really it! I know live product changes are usually scary, but we've always done things differently (read: not greedy) and we will keep making the industry more accessible, forever. It takes time and we hope you like this next step. Let us know what you think and if you have any feedback/thought, please share it with us!

Just as a side note, I am really happy with the onboarding experience and the people I talked to from the Unity team (which is not to be given for granted, given the latest industry years...). You can read more general details about Verified Solutions at this link.

Thanks so much for reading through here and most importantly for supporting our asset for all these years. We're looking forward to releasing new updates (and more news soon, too) and hear you the next time!

In case you'd need specific help (from shorter consultancies to longer projects), you can ask us to work with you by visiting our consultancy / hire us page (both Unity and Godot, from custom tools, UI/UX, 2D Art, shader, engine porting and much more). Cheers!


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Deep dive

Almost five years ago I released a plugin called “Text Animator for Unity”, a tool I made/needed for my own games - and Today it is also getting used in other games like “Dredge, Cult of The Lamb”, “Slime Rancher 2” and many more!! I’d love if you could check it out! you’d also support us with this blog and new assets! ✨

Product callout image

Thanks so much for reading!